His wide spectrum of practice includes conflict and dispute management, de-escalation and resolution. He adopts a multifaceted approach and utilises varied dispute resolution modes to obtain optimal outcomes for clients.
He has over three decades of extensive experience in dispute resolution and has appeared as lead counsel in all levels of the Singapore courts and in international arbitrations. His practice includes representing local and international clients in high value cases involving multiple jurisdictions and spanning across a wide range of industries, including energy, recycling, entertainment, construction, manufacturing and real estate.
He has received appointments as an expert in Singapore law for foreign court proceedings, and as arbitrator in institutional arbitrations. He is an IMI-certified mediation advocate and an IMI-certified mediator and has extensive experience as mediation counsel and mediator in complex cross-jurisdictional disputes.
He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, a Distinguished Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators and a Weinstein JAMS International Fellow. He is on the international panels of many distinguished arbitration and mediation institutions, including the SIMC and AAA-ICDR. He is a regional consultant and mediator of the CAO, IFC, World Bank Group and a member of the Global Mediation Panel of the Office of the Ombudsman for the United Nations Funds and Programmes.
He has been ranked for his dispute resolution practice in The Legal500 and received recognition by Who’sWhoLegal:Mediation since 2016.